Tonight I attended the Leeds Social Media Surgery (Twitter hashtag: #leedssms) at the Round Foundry Leeds. Interesting going along as a ‘surgeon’ (if I can call it that term) as you never know who you’ll meet or what conversations you will have.
I totally agree with the philosophy of sharing expertise and knowledge to grow the tipping point of social media adoption throughout our local community to the benefit of our local economy and society.
Tonight was no exception. Lots of interesting conversations and debates (and that was just between the surgeons!).
It was great to catch up with @lukeb3000 who’s an inspiring intern in the digital media sector (checkout his blog and you tube channel).
Good to see @IdleSi and Ed from T4P – wish there was more time to catch up! Also met up with
@timd and had some good debate about open source software!
Have a look at the Facebook Page to keep up to date