Category Archives: Social Media

Walking the Talk on SEO and SMM

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. You may have thought I’d given up the ghost on this blogging malarky. Not so, I’ve been focusing on other online marketing.

It’s been a busy year, after losing my sister in law after a courageous battle with cancer, we’ve headed over to near York to be closer to my older brother & his kids. On top of that, I’ve been focusing my efforts on the other two businesses that I’m involved in. So I’m back in ernest.

Walking the Talk

There are so many people, agencies, and companies offering social media from web design companies, to PR agencies, to niche consultancies all offering to help companies with their social media. This is a reflection of the diverse ways social media can be implemented. Running a campaign for an event or book launch is very different to brand awareness for a B2B company or running a customer services channel for a blue chip company or running a SEO campaign for a niche international company.

With new technologies and techniques being launched every day, it’s an effort to keep up with the evolving market place. (more…)

Hosting a Live Facebook Chat

Increasing your reach and fans on Facebook is about 1 key thing, affinity with your existing fans. The more comments, likes and shares you have, the higher the chance your content will appear in your fans timelines.

Just sharing links and photos isn’t enough to stimulate activity, which is why content design and creation for Facebook is key.

563136_234435806695227_340601749_nWith the launch of reply to comments on Facebook pages a few weeks ago, this made having conversations on Facebook pages easy as people can respond to specific comments.


Social Media Interview with Sharon Cain

quest-prIn this interview we catch up with Sharon Cain from Quest PR. Social media can take different angles depending on the scope and outcome of the campaigns.

We talk to Sharon about how blending social media with PR can increase reach and opportunities. Creating a newsworthy content is key to success…so hear how this can work for you.



Hootsuite vs Sproutsocial – which best to monitor your social campaigns?

I’ve been using Hootsuite for about a year now, prior to that I was using Spredfast and Tweetdeck.  So what made me decide to change?

Reporting in SproutSocial

The level of reporting is stunning – and that’s one of the key reasons why I moved over. I run a number of campaigns for clients and reporting is important for measuring the ROI forImpressions in Facebook the social campaigns.

Walking the talk is important for me as well – and for one of the other businesses I run, On Landscape, I wanted to measure the reach of our campaigns more efficiently.

Understanding the demographics of the followers and fans is imperative, so you can seTwitter followers statse that you are targeting your audience. More importantly you can then respond to the information about your followers e.g. On Landscape we realised quite a lot of our subscribers and followers / fans are international so are now targeting more international content.


Pulling in RSS feeds is great, so you don’t have to dive off into Google Reader. More importantly the lists can be managed and viewed here.

Smart Inbox

Being able to move tweets that you’ve responded to into the archive is an efficient way of managing Twitter & Facebook. The ability to see a track of the conversations with users and add notes is useful. Certainly for our business On Landscape we can marry this up with users on the site which makes it more of a social CRM in that aspect.

Hootsuite doesn’t alert you to when you have a RT nor a new follower, which is a key thing when building an audience and community. SproutSocial does both, which is a great feature.

Any downsides to SproutSocial?

Sprout Social doesn’t support Google+ which is a bit of an annoyance having to manage that separately. It does cost more than Hootsuite, but Hootsuite has a lot of hidden costs, as you add users and extra credits for reporting, it soon adds up.


Sproutsocial has made me more focused on the campaign managment as I get more reporting on the types of content, so I can evaluate what content generates more engagement, which in turn drives more fans and followers.

How Businesses In Yorkshire Are Using Social Media

There’s lots of hype about social media whether it delivers return on investment and is it worth the time.

Using my video blogging skills I’ve spent some time interviewing business leaders, owners and marketing managers across the Yorkshire region to find out how they have used social media to help their business.

I’ve interviewed business from solicitors to social enterprises to apps developers to online communities. The key theme coming through is the entrepreneurial spirit for taking a chance or adapting their businesses to the new technologies. (more…)

Video Blogging – Boost Your Reach

With YouTube as the 2nd largest search engine after Google, it’s hard to ignore it’s reach. With technology changes doing your own video blogging is much easier. Audiences almost want the authentic view rather than the over polished commercial video.

I recently went on a course with Feature Media to brush up on my skills for presenting and video editing. So here are my top tips that I learnt on the day (more…)

Leeds social media expert reaches new markets

A Leeds internet marketing agency has won contracts with two major Yorkshire firms looking to harness the power of social media and update their SEO.

Optimum Exposure will advise Sirius Engineering and HML to review their existing SEO and website content and train staff to gain more valuable and effective exposure.



Growing IoD Yorkshire Social Media

Engaging with members online is a key aspect of maintaining membership levels for any membership organisation. People’s priorities and reasons for joining evolve and membership organisations need to evolve their business model to reflect this.

Having been involved in IoD Yorkshire for the past 5 years as a branch chairman (YDF Chair and then IoD West Yorkshire Branch Chairman), I decided to create and lead a group of IoD members who were interested in setting up an IoD Yorkshire campaign.

The objective of the campaign was to:

  • Increase awareness of the IoD online within the business community
  • Engage with key partners in the region
  • Increase engagement with members online
  • Promote events online to a wider audience
  • Have at the ability to be able to promote events with a shorter lead time


On The Web

Your online credibility is an increasingly important way of showcasing your specialised knowledge and expertise which will build your online credibility. As more people engage with the social web differentiating yourself become imperative

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