Euan Semple was the Head of DigitalLabs at BBC before he left and went freelance. His new book ‘Organisations Don’t Tweet, People Do – A Managers Guide to the Social Web‘ is about how social media an create a knowledge sharing organisation internally.
Social Media doesn’t just have to be about how business interact with their customers, if can be used internally to build a culture of knowledge sharing and transparency.
The book talks through the challenges and ideas of how social media can be used and should be used within an organisation. But it’s the wider business change management that runs along side such a theme that is the interesting part. It gives ideas on upward management to get the senior team on board down to how to build a social media policy for employees.
Within large organisations, teams are slio-ed and rarely collaborate on projects. Using blogging and forums internally is a key way to break down those barriers and share best practice.
It’s about individuals taking ownership of the change and growing a voice within the business. It’s about taking calculated risks to influence the culture within a company. From a digital evolution view, those companies that take the leap of faith and start building a far more open, transparent and innovative culture where people can express themselves online, will be a better place to work.
I’d like to thank Wiley Business for the copy of the book – a great way to spend a snowy sunday afternoon!