Department for Digital Engagement – keeping up with the changes

I’ve been following Andrew Stott, Director of Digital Engagement on Twitter for sometime.

Taking the digital age to core government and setting best practice for communications and marketing is a job that I am sure we all would admit sounds like hard work.

Engage with me digitally
I have to say though that I have to admit that my expectations have been exceeded, which I have to say I am pleasantly surprised at.

From working with large organisations I know how slow it is to get companies to embrace the new world of customer engagement on the social networks. The trepidation of dipping your toe into the circle of influence sends shivers down the spines of most marketing directors.

I have been following the blog for digital engagement and twitter for some time – I have to say that there really is some interesting stuff happening and being discussed.

Launch of Search Engine Optimisation Guide for Public Sector
Today the Central Office for Information launched their guide to search engine optimisation which is aimed at webmasters in the Public Sector. Having read through it, it reads pretty much like the Google SEO Starter guide but without the techie jargon.

Achieving greatness…

This is part of a wider project around communications on web standards and ensuring that all public sector websites adhere to the same standards. I take my hat off to the team at COI, they have achieved more that perhaps some of the large blue chip organisations do – have an up to date document detailing the company stance on web standards and communications.

Walking the talk… not just talking the talk
Actually walking the talk though is the tricky bit, not just talking the talk. With the imminent launch of the election campaign, I am interested to see how both parties embrace the social media world. If you look at President Olbama’s campaign, that was the first electoral campaign that had social media at the heart.

The COI has already set out it’s brief on ‘engaging through social media‘ which sets out the stall on how civil servants should be engaging the public through social media.

Anticipation of the next few months

So I wait with anticipation of the next few months on how the electoral campaigns will be led in the social media world. Will they take lessons from the Olbama campaign, will they build on that? One thing I am sure, is that engaging with voters through social media, will play a pivotal role in the election….what do you think?

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