Use the Hash tag and don’t send all tweets to LinkedIn

This article from @jorgensundberg really got me thinking about how I use Twitter on LinkedIn.

Integrating Twitter into LinkedIn
I previously had the Twitter app integrated into my account, which sent all Tweets into my status on LinkedIn,

The up shot of this though is that on the status updates on my connections home page on LinkedIn, it would be full of my updates from Twitter.  Some relevant but the conversations I have on Twitter are not relevant to everyone.

Listening to the feedback from of my connections – this could be an annoyance – especially when I was tweeting at a conference or event.

Adjusting the settings on LinkedIn for Twitter

Changing the settings on the application on LinkedIn, so only tweets containing the hash tag #in show up in LinkedIn is the solution.  That way you can be more strategic in what you send into LinkedIn which will be relevant for your contacts.

If anyone else is using the Twitter application on LinkedIn – I suggest you change your behaviour too on which tweets are sent to LinkeIn!

The forecast for 2011 for SEO and SMM

2011 will be a crucial year for social media and SEO. Here’s my thoughts on what’s going to be hot or not split down into individual, companies and industry.

For Individuals
Personal Brand Online – people buy from people therefore more business individuals and leaders will grow their presence online to boost their business profile Continue reading

Results Yorkshire Social Media Survey

The survey ran from 1st to 30th November 2010 and was answered by companies within the Yorkshire Region. The aim of the survey was to understand how different sized companies in  Yorkshire are using social media in their business and what return on investment they see from the campaigns. Download PDF from slideshare

The main difference is how SME versus Large companies are using social media in their businesses.  Smaller and medium businesses (1 – 49 employees) feel that social media has be responsible for creating or helping create sales or new business.   LinkedIn is a more important business tool to small businesses which is reflected in the fact that more of the key people within a small business are promoting themselves on LinkedIn compared to a medium or large organisations. Whereas larger companies (50+ employees) are not promoting  as much on LinkedIn, nor are their key people actively using LinkedIn.

Companies are using tools such as blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn more than video content (YouTube). Which makes sense as there is more investment required to creating a professional video compared to setting up a blog.

Companies overall are using social media to boost their PR activity with 75% respondents said social media had been responsible for creating positive PR about the company and 40% saying social media had helped mitigate any PR problems.

Companies are  promoting their social media sites on their websites with 55% respondents are linking their social profiles online on the home page of their website and 30% saying they have a dedicated page on their site for ‘community’ aspects, which sign-post people to the various sites.
This research paints a picture that Yorkshire companies that are engaged with social media as a key business tool are finding social media helps create or contribute to finding new business. Companies are also using social media to boost their PR activities and feel that social media has helped mitigate PR problems.

Charlotte Britton, MD Optimum Exposure says ‘Social Media is becoming a core part of the marketing mix.  Companies that are adopting the technologies and techniques are creating a competitive advantage for themselves as more people are using sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs. Companies need to understand the objectives and metrics for success before embarking on any activity, so they know what success looks like as the campaign grows’

What do you think?  How do you use Social Media in your business?

Inbound Links from Twitter can help your SEO – Part 2

My previous blog post back in October about how links which are 301 redirects could be deemed as inbound links and boost your SEO.

So I went back to the article from Econsultancy called ‘Lifting Google rank using social conversations‘.

I got this tweet from ProNet Networking. Continue reading

Yorkshire Social Media Survey – get involved!

There’s seems so much hype about Social Media – but we all want to know which company is using what and the million dollar question – what Return on Investment have companies got and what does success look like to different companies.

So we have decided to run a Social Media Survey of companies in Yorkshire to see what and how companies are using Social Media to grow their companies.

We want to hear from all companies large or small, sole trader or LLP, agency or client side, from solicitors to manufacturers – your opinion counts!

The survey will only take 2 – 3 minutes of your time  -> Visit the Online Social Media Survey

We will publish the results of the online survey once completed so don’t forget to check back to keep up to date!

Starting A Social Media Campaign

I presented at the York Science Park Business Support Seminars on Tuesday 26th October.  Please download the ppt from this seminar.

I talked about the techniques for starting a social media campaign.  People always seem to dive straight into setting up the profiles and sites for their campaign, without giving much thought to listening to the existing conversations. Continue reading