Managing the workflow around social media campaigns

From the view of a larger company it is crucial to effectively manage the conversations in the social media channels to ensure that you manage the reputation of your brand online.

If your brand is quite well established there is going to be some volume of traffic in the tweets, facebook fan pages posts and community.

The question I have had posed many times is how do organisations manage the workflow, business process and customer relations around this emerging channel?

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Book Review: The Backchannel, Cliff Atkinson

How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever, £12.99

The backchannel are the people in your audience who are using social media sites such as Twitter to collaborate, chat, share information either prior / during / after your presentation.

I have been to a few seminars / barcamps / workshops where there’s an unofficial backchannel chatting throughout. Continue reading