With the launch of Google Social Search last week, this puts a new dimension on social search optimisation and how companies should be approaching their search optimisation strategy. (more…)
IoD ‘Just Lunch’ Monday 25th January – Reflections
We hosted the first in our series of ‘Just Lunch’ networking events yesterday at 3 Albion Place, 12 – 2pm.
It was a group of members that attended, and for some their first networking event they have attended at the IoD and others it was great to catch up. (more…)
Build Your Credibility on LinkedIn
Online Credibility – why is it important
Online credibility is the perception your customers, potential customers, business / collaboration partners get when they encounter you online e.g. visit your blog, read your comments online, read your profile, etc. (more…)
E Portfolios – your personal brand online
Today I was on the panel at Leeds Met Uni Learning Lunch: E-Portfolios event. I managed to get the team to set up the hash tag #LeedsMetLL and so we got quite a few questions from students prior to the event. The Leeds Met Employerability Office tweeted the event and kept up with the lively debate (so please read the tweets!). (more…)
Waterstones inspiring use of Twitter
I was on Twitter on New Years Eve afternoon and saw this tweet come through on the Waterstones account:
Audio Blogging – word of mouth marketing
Ever had those moments / thoughts, where you want to share an experience on your blog with others but the technology just isn’t there?
I was at a meeting on Thursday last week and met John Duffy, Marketing Director from Ipadio. They have some clever software which enables you to do live telephone feeds into your website. Alternatively you can record these calls and these files can upload them afterwards. (more…)
Meet Up Mondays IoD YDF Informal Networking
IoD Young Directors Forum Yorkshire and Humber
Stepping up to the Challenge
2009 has been a great year for the Young Directors Forum, we have had a great turn out to our events and we have run more engaging events for our membership that have provided real value and networking. (more…)
Building Your Online Credibility: Top 30 Tips
Harness the Power of the Social Web
2009 was the year that the social web hit made an impact on how companies and people interact online. Technologies such as facebook, twitter and blogging took the social web to the masses, so the power of the social web grew and became mainstream. (more…)
Thoughts on: The Buzzword Social Media Is DOA In 2010
The Future Buzz blog is a true inspiration to read, Adam write a lot of sense. What’s more it’s refreshing to read a blog of someone who share the same view on the internet.
A previous post Social Media – Its so old school resonated in the post The Buzzword Social Media Is DOA In 2010. (more…)
On The Web
Your online credibility is an increasingly important way of showcasing your specialised knowledge and expertise which will build your online credibility. As more people engage with the social web differentiating yourself become imperative
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