Category Archives: Social Media

Email beats Social Media for Customer Attention – is it true?

In a recent article from Search Engine Watch- Email beats Social Media for customer attention – a new report from Econsultancy has shown that sending targeted and relevant emails leads to greater e-commerce success than using social media sites.

This really shows that the influence of the social networks is still growing and is in it’s infancy.  It will be the early adopters within the market that will be driving the change in online shopping behaviour. (more…)

Life without Twitter or Blogging for a month – How did I get on

For the month of May I decided to see how I could manage without blogging and twittering to see how life was before I got involved.

I initially had some extra time which I used up focusing on client work. After the initial week, I began to feel out of touch with what was going on. Not only with my peers and friends, but in the digital world, as I get a lot of news from Twitter.


Building an Audience vs Engaging with Consumer Brands: What’s the difference?

If you are a charity, social enterprise, arts project, club or society, then chances are that you’ll be using social media to engage and grow your audience.

But are the conversations that you are having different to those of how consumer brands are engaging with this their fans? Do you need to approach the method of seeding the conversations differently or should you be using different tools? (more…)

Managing the workflow around social media campaigns

From the view of a larger company it is crucial to effectively manage the conversations in the social media channels to ensure that you manage the reputation of your brand online.

If your brand is quite well established there is going to be some volume of traffic in the tweets, facebook fan pages posts and community.

The question I have had posed many times is how do organisations manage the workflow, business process and customer relations around this emerging channel?


On The Web

Your online credibility is an increasingly important way of showcasing your specialised knowledge and expertise which will build your online credibility. As more people engage with the social web differentiating yourself become imperative

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