Tag Archives: Online Credibility

Social Media Interview with Sharon Cain

quest-prIn this interview we catch up with Sharon Cain from Quest PR. Social media can take different angles depending on the scope and outcome of the campaigns.

We talk to Sharon about how blending social media with PR can increase reach and opportunities. Creating a newsworthy content is key to success…so hear how this can work for you.



Understanding How Customer Research & Buy Online

Over the past few few years how people research and buy online has changed significantly. It’s about permission based marketing not push marketing and proving your credibility and worth.With statistics such as 90% purchases are researched online, and people who use social media are more likely to purchase online companies need to understand the landscape of the sales funnel has changed. (more…)

Build Your Credibility on LinkedIn

Online Credibility – why is it important
Online credibility is the perception your customers, potential customers, business / collaboration partners get when they encounter you online e.g. visit your blog, read your comments online, read your profile, etc. (more…)

Building Your Online Credibility: Top 30 Tips

Harness the Power of the Social Web

2009 was the year that the social web hit made an impact on how companies and people interact online. Technologies such as facebook, twitter and blogging took the social web to the masses, so the power of the social web grew and became mainstream. (more…)

On The Web

Your online credibility is an increasingly important way of showcasing your specialised knowledge and expertise which will build your online credibility. As more people engage with the social web differentiating yourself become imperative

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